Housing - Competence - Honesty
June 2022 Election
Hello Santa Clara County voters, my name is Andrew Crockett.
I aspire to be your next Assessor because I want to be your advocate in
understanding and solving our housing crisis.
Join me in taking a stand for our homes and each other:
When elected, I will:
Implement an urgent and long overdue overhaul to the Santa Clara County Assessor’s Office
Return it to serving ALL Santa Clara County residents, not just the investors
Transform it into a center of public service that will equip us with the data-driven solutions needed to address Santa Clara County’s housing crunch
In Santa Clara County, the number of total homeowners has decreased by nearly 12% in the last decade – while the population has increased by almost 9%. Homes originally occupied by local families are being bought up by private equity groups as investment properties, pricing out first-time homebuyers and locking more and more residents into a permanent renter hamster-wheel.
We need reliable data on property status before meaningful change can be addressed. We need a change that can help people actually reside in the valley with a standard of living that allows for dignity and privacy.
The Santa Clara County Assessor’s Office is charged with gathering the data on every property in this County. That data, which is used both for accurate appraisals and assessments, is also EXACTLY the data we need to diagnose and remedy the economic sickness that is the housing crisis.
I, Andrew Crockett, believe the County Assessor’s office is sitting on a MASSIVE MISSED OPPORTUNITY to collect, collate, and distribute its data to the public and our trusted officials.
If elected, I will work to make this data available, while providing education and service to the public that the Assessor’s Office serves.